Rafael Belchior

Ph.D. in Information Systems and Computer Engineering

Applied Researcher

Security and Privacy, Distributed Systems, Blockchain Interoperability

Rafael Belchior

🇬🇧 Rafael Belchior is a researcher at INESC-ID, a Fulbright awardee (visited researcher at MIT Connection Science / MIT Media Lab) and holds a Ph.D. from Técnico Lisboa.

Studying the intersection of blockchain interoperability, privacy, and security, he focuses on enabling interoperability across heterogeneous systems and building resilient blockchain infrastructure as the foundation for cross-chain use cases such as digital asset management.

He participates in different open-source ecosystems, namely at the Internet Engineering Task Force (SATP protocol) and Hyperledger Cacti. Currently he is a Senior R&D Engineer at Blockdaemon.

🇵🇹 Rafael Belchior é investigador no INESC-ID, Fulbrighter (investigador visitante no MIT Connection Science / Media Lab) e doutorado pelo Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa. Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se no estudo da intersecção entre a interoperabilidade, privacidade, e segurança de blockchain.

Ele participa em diferentes ecossistemas de código aberto, nomeadamente na Internet Engineering Task Force e no Hyperledger Cacti. Atualmente, é Engenheiro Sénior de I&D na Blockdaemon.

Contact: rafael.belchior (at) tecnico (dot) ulisboa (dot) pt

Last update: October 2024
