12 February 2025. Our 28 academic papers and technical reports accumulated 1300+ citations and more than 75,000 downloads and views, over the last three years. A quick digest is available here.
9 January 2025. Submissions to our DepWeb3 Workshop will be accepted until 17 January.
25 October 2024. I'm very honoured to have been awarded "Best INESC-ID Ph.D. student" due to my contributions to the theory and practice of blockchain interoperability.
2 October 2024. Thrilled that our article, A Brief History of Blockchain Interoperability, is featured on the cover of the October issue of Communications of the ACM. A huge milestone for our work at BIG Era Chair!
11 November 2023. I will be out of office for several weeks, backpacking in Southeast Asia. See you in 2024!
10 November 2023. The draft for our paper SoK: Security and Privacy of Blockchain Interoperability (extended version) is almost ready to be published. Stay tuned! EDIT: published in TechRxiv.