Migrating my Blog

Hello All 👋,I am posting regularly about interoperability in my Medium blog: https://rafaelbelchior.medium.com/.Find my latest articles there!Cheers ✌️,–rafael
Published on November 26, 2022 | 0 min read

Blockchain DOES NOT Provide a Single Source of Truth

Hello All đź‘‹,Today I would like to express some ideas and leave you with the concept of blockchain view.In business process management, there is a concept called a view. A view is a representation of a business process from a certain user (or stakeholder) perspective. Thus, the same b...
Published on December 01, 2020 | 3 min read

My experience as A Linux Foundation Intern

How did the mentorship program match your expectations? Do you feel you got what you needed out of the program?As a Ph.D. student, it is often difficult to make the bridge between technology and people; between idealization and concretization. This program helped me closing this gap: ...
Published on November 09, 2020 | 2 min read

Enterprise Blockchain Technologies - A University-level Open-Source Course 🎓

Enterprise Blockchain TechnologiesA flexible, extensible, open-source university course, part of Hyperledger Labs🎓This course aims at providing a reliable basis for university students to get started in enterprise blockchain.This course conta...
Published on November 08, 2020 | 1 min read

Clean the Freaking Kitchen 👨‍🍳 - Student's Life Used to Explain Blockchain 🔗

Hello All đź‘‹,I often struggle to explain what the heck is this blockchain thing. Is it a currency? Is it Bitcoin? Is it a computer program? Or many? How is this useful at all?Those are some of the questions I get. No worries, the concept of blockchain is very simple. A blockchain is:<...
Published on November 06, 2020 | 4 min read

How to Keep Sane during your Ph.D. 🧠 - Part 1

Hello All đź‘‹,Some people say Ph.D. students work A LOT, sometimes sacrificing their health pursuing the same degree. Sometimes I related to that, as I am involved in some projects that require a fair part of my time. My advisor once said that my multitasking capabilities are infinite,...
Published on October 30, 2020 | 6 min read

My Participation at a Cozy Academic Event

Hello All 👋,OK, so I participated at PhD Open Days, where the official description is “ major opportunity for more than one thousand Ph.D. students to socialize and share their research with the rest of the academic community, compa...
Published on October 28, 2020 | 3 min read

The Wanderings of a 🇵🇹 PhD 🎓

Hello All,This is my first post at my own corner of the internet.Why writing?I started writing some time ago: at a students’ group, GCE, I tried my luck at <a href="https://medium.com/@rafaelbelchior/how-to-create-an-outstanding-job-proposal-for-stu...
Published on October 15, 2020 | 2 min read